How To Install Agency Power Cold Air Intake System On BMW M3 / M4
This Install Guide is intended to help with the installation of the Agency Power Cold Air Intake Kit on the 2015 – 2018 BMW M3 F80 / M4 F82/F83. Trimming is required for proper intake fitment. Agency Power recommends custom calibration to prevent check engine lights.
Remove carbon fiber strut brace. Un bolt 2 bolts toward front of engine.
Find the plastic bolts on cowl. Turn them to release cowl (should require only a slight turn.) Do this for both sides of vehicle.
Remove push pin that holds on cowl. On both sides of vehicle.
Once you are able to remove cover this will expose the 3 bolts on back of the strut bar. Remove the bolts on both sides of vehicle.
Before removing the bar un bolt the final bolt mount on the driver side near reservoir.
Carefully remove the bar from vehicle.
From factory tube un clip tube.
Unplug sensor from tube on passenger side and tube that goes across front of vehicle.
Loosen clamp the connects passenger sided air box to tube.
Unhook tube from airbox and remove airbox.
With airbox removed unclamp and remove tube elbow.
Unclamp tube from airbox tube. Move line out of way and unclip airbox tube from vehicle front. Lift out the airbox assembly.
Carefully pull out the rear section of the factory air scoops on each side of the vehicle. This section does have a release on top. Remove from of both sides of vehicle.
Unclip the BMW grilles and remove them.
On each side locate the screens. Remove them and release scoop to remove from both sides of vehicle.
Once remove trim the inner plastic to allow new tubes better clearance.
Un bolt each sensor and re install on the new tubes.
Install 90 elbow and clamp rear down.
Put the 45 degree coupler into place to allow for you to insert new tube and clamp.
Insert the new tube into the couplers.
Insert the tube through the opening that you had to trim for tube clearance. Put into coupler and clamp.
Install the air filter onto the new tube and tighten all clamps once in place.
Insert new longer tube int the factory hose. And tighten.
Insert 90 coupler and feed new front intake tube through hole that was trimmed on driver side. Once that is connected and tight. Line up coupler to new engine intake tube and tighten.
Install air filter and tighten all clamps once in place.
Re lay hose onto of engine and into support. Re attach sensor on both sides as well as tube in new front engine tube.
Re Install grilles.
Re install strut brace using by reversing removal instructions.
Congratulation you have just installed the Agency Power BMW M3/M4 Intake System.
For a PDF Version of the instructions, click HERE