Summer means It’s Time to Upgrade
We were installing some braided brake lines into an M5 the other day and realized, it’s officially summer time, which means it’s officially time to upgrade. We asked our fans on Facebook, what installs they would be doing this summer? Some people were doing full builds and others wanted to add a few things. Wheels (Yes, we make wheels too!), Exhausts and Suspension are some of the easiest and most dramatic upgrades you can have. If you’re looking for that aesthetic upgrade, we have carbon parts galore. Whether it’s a complete upgrade or just a small project here and there, we want to help get you the perfect parts and, see the finished product.
If you’ve done an install recently, we want to see/ hear it. If you have any pictures or videos of your new additions, email them to us at Or share them with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This is a customer’s 2004 Mazda RX8 that he outfitted with our Agency Power Titanium Tip Exhaust. We came across his picture on Instagram. Here are the pictures he shared with us.