Nissan GT-R Prototype Exhaust Test Fitted
As mentioned earlier, the new Agency Power exhaust for the GT-R was completed and ready for a test fit. We had an owner bring his car in for an install and testing session to see just how much the GT-R could improve.
The exhaust was a perfect fit and quickly installed. After carefully running the vacuum lines and electrical lines through the under body, the exhaust was complete and the car was ready for the dyno. An initial dyno run gave us a impressive 410 wheel hp stock. After the high flow cat downpipes, mid section and muffler assembly were installed, the Nissan R35 GT-R put down an even more impressive 450 whp with the bypass valves open.
This stainless exhaust system produces a very mild increase in tone with the bypass valves closed but with them open, the car comes alive with a growl that is fitting for a car with this performance. Not to loud but enough to grab attention.
The customer can sum up how well this exhaust performs with a single sentence:
From a dead stop, tripple ‘R’, acutators opened, manual shift selected, check mirrors for cops, foot on brake, bring revs up and release——-HOLY [expletive]
Keep checking back for pricing and video as this will be a hot selling item for all GT-R owners.
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