How To Install Agency Power Air Intake on Mahindra Roxor
This Install Guide is intended to help with the installation of the Agency Power Air Intake on the Mahindra Roxor.
Unbolt the air box brace. Do not discard bolt and washer they will be reused when install the New Agency Power Intake.
Remove the air box brace and unplug the vacuum line and vent tube.
Loosen clamp on air intake tube.
Pull air snorkel out of tab on radiator support and carefully remove air box and intake tube.
With factory air box removed. Unbolt and remove the zinc half of the mounting bracket. Do not discard the bolt will be used for installation of the Agency Power Intake Shield.
Unclip the fuse box to allow access to the front bolt.
Remove factory bolt closest to the front of Roxor.
Insert the New Agency Power Intake tube into the lower factory coupler tube.
Line up holes. Reuse factory bolt for front hole and supplied bolt on rear hole bracket. Do not over tighten. Bracket will have a bit of movement due to the rubber grommet.
Snap fuse box back into place.
Tighten factory coupler on to the intake tube.
To install shield reusing the factory bolt that held the zinc air box mount. The bolt will go into the top hole and the bottom hole will fit over a factory rivet to allow for proper alignment. Once shield is in place tighten bolt.
Plug in the vacuum line and vent tube. Use supplied hose clamp to secure the vent tube in place.
Install Agency Power Air Filter on intake tube and tighten clamp.
Recheck bolts and connections. You have now completed the install of the Agency Power Air Intake for the Mahindra Roxor.
How is filter on dusty roads and how do I clean filter
Hey Tim! The filter holds up well and works well on dusty environments. The filter can be cleaned using compressed air and some Simple Green or other degreaser and letting it dry completely. We recommend not using oil on our filters. For any additional questions, feel free to give our team a call at 480-921-7422
Thanks will install filter today