Subaru BRZ Gets Exhaust & Pulley Upgrade
One of the reasons we like working with Vivid Racing on their project cars is because, they document the entire build from beginning to end. We like seeing the car stock, and see what they add, take away, etc. This AP customer wanted to give us the same perspective on his Subaru BRZ build. He ordered our Agency Power Lightweight Crank Pulley and Agency Power Catback Exhaust for his 2013 Subaru BRZ. Here are the pictures from the moment when he got his BRZ to the end when his parts were installed. We will be following his progress as he continues to build his BRZ into a beast of a Subaru. You can check out more pictures of this build on his#mce_temp_url# Instgram @talturkait, while you’re at it, follow us too @agency_power.
Yep this is my car alright
more pics of my Seibon parts installed coming soon… instagram me on @talturkait for more