Agency Power Redesigned GT-R Titanium Exhaust System
When we originally made the titanium exhaust for the Nissan GTR, we wanted it to be a super light exhaust. After we released the first version of our GTR exhaust, we heard from our customers and wholesale dealers that an exhaust with a larger circumference was desired. So we went back to the drawing board (also known as our R&D sector) and increased the overall diameter of the pipes from 80mm to 90mm and 120mm at the tips. 80mm wasn’t that different from the stock, but with the added room for flow, this thing sounds sexier and is lighter than ever.
We are proud to re-introduce to you the newly designed Agency Power Full Titanium Exhaust. The exhaust with nuts and bolts weighs 6.2 lbs. there are pictures below showing the exhaust on the scale.
The first picture is of the boxes we used to hold the exhaust up so it wouldn’t touch the ground and alter the weight. They weighed 1.58lbs.
This picture shows just the exhaust and the boxes weighing 7.34lbs.
This picture is of the boxes, exhaust, nut and bolts together. Totaling 7.60lbs.
This is the lightest exhaust we have ever made. Even when we changed the diameter from 80mm to 90mm and 120mm on the tips, this exhaust is still going to take some major weight off your GT-R. Below are more pictures of the exhaust.
Here are some photos of the titanium exhaust installed on our customer’s Nissan GTR. We couldn’t be happier with the end results. If you would like more info on this exhaust system please call 1-480-921-7422 or email